Wednesday, October 7, 2015

How Humans Cause Mass Extinctions

After reading the article, finally, I know the information about the precise waste number about before and after, which were made from human being. According to the data which results from the article, honestly speaking, I scare a little. For example, the species are going extinct between ten and several thousand times faster than history. 

I totally agree with the opinions of the article. Nowadays, the mother earth is overwhelming, because there are too many people living in the world, and we overuse all kind of resources, such as the clean water, the fertile land, the marine, the fresh air, and so on. No wander the earth is sick.

However, there is a ideal roughly coming to my mind, and that is we can control the population by each country's government. The UN can set up a department which can be called,"Controlling The Population of Department". Their job is to analysis that how many people they can birth each year.By means of my ideal, we can control the population.But I know, it has a great number of troubles and problems...

Although it is a naive ideal, maybe, it is useful!!!

Friday, October 2, 2015

Climate Change~The Point of No Return:Climate Change Nightmares Are Already Here

Help the earth! Our earth! Our HEART!

Nowadays, everything is changing, such as the generation, human mind, human values and technology, etc. But today, I want to focus on the important change, the climate change.

As human beings' technologies become developed, our environment become sick. The earth's risen temperature results from the carbon excessive emission from human being. Because it, the ice which is located in the North Pole and the South Pole melts. The circumstance not only rises the sea level but also changes the marine temperature.

Unfortunately, this situation destroys the environmental balance. Because the marine temperature is changed, the fish or some marine creatures migrate to shore. In order to look for their food, they need to migrate to another place, too. However, some places are not very safe for them. For example, there is a tragedy happening in Alaska, the walruses are forced ashore in record numbers.Do they commit suicide? No, absolutely no! We kill them, the human being is the murderer!

In summary, the climate change is not purely affect to rise the sea level as we know, but also harm some creatures. Maybe, there are great numbers of tragedies being happening, but just you and me don't know them.

We are destroying the mother earth, namely, we are killing ourselves.Hence,help the earth; help the our earth, and we are saving ourselves.

Thursday, October 1, 2015

What is global citizenship?

Why do I chose this video from Youtube? Cause I think the educational article and video is a little boring. However, the song is very relaxing and let us see a lot of place around the world by animation film. Moreover, we can roughly understand what is the global citizenship.

In my opinions, before about one century, the Internet was not developed and the traffic, such as airplanes weren't quite convenient. Cause we couldn't connect each other frequently at that time, the concept of global citizenship weren't discussed.

However, when we stand in the earth, we are participated in the group, we are participated in the group, the global citizenship. Everybody has been a global citizenship since they were born; thus, we need to try to understand everything which happens around the world. The more we understand the concept, the more we are closed to each other. As we connect with some global citizenship issues, we can solve some problems though we are nobody. As a result, just do it, and make it better.