Sunday, December 20, 2015

False Flag Terrorism

Hallow, I am Wilson. Today, I want to talk about False flag terrorism.

According to Google, the definition of False flag terrorism is covert operations conducted be government, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out be other entities. I think it is a evil way to control citizens. In mt opinion, the USA, or the countries which use the evil way, is coward! Why doesn't they use some proper ways to control their citizen?

What's more, governments use their power to change the education system; in order to shape every student to become a person who want to fight each other. I think, maybe great number of things are changing, such as the nightmare, 911 is't a terrorist attack any more...Oh, I'm sorry, because it does is a terrorist attack; however, the USA is the terrorist!!!

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