Friday, November 11, 2016


        We have already talked about the cause of income inequality, now; I’m going to talk about the effects. First, because the money is distributed unfairly within a society, the richest are able to control other people’e lives unreasonably. These other people are of-course, the poor, who must obey their bosses because they need the jobs that the rich people control. Such a situation influences where people can work, how to work and what they can buy. In general, income-inequality unfairly influences the situation of life. At the same time, medical recourses will be distributed unfairly, because all the medical recourses need to be paid for with money. When the situation become worse and worse, people may rush into dangerous situations. Because they have nothing to lose, they will steal form others in order to feed their families. Accordingly, the crime rate will raise. Moreover, the educational degree will not be in balance, and this will cause the gap between the riches and the poor to get wider and wider. In the end, inequality will challenge the rationality of whole system. 
       So, what can we do? First, we can launch some protests, let governments know what we want. At the same time, this is a new age, so you can join gros or parties and change the base of the system. Although the disparity between rich and poor is a stable situation for now, if we do not take action to correct the problems, we may lose the chance for changing it.

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