Friday, November 11, 2016


        We have already talked about the cause of income inequality, now; I’m going to talk about the effects. First, because the money is distributed unfairly within a society, the richest are able to control other people’e lives unreasonably. These other people are of-course, the poor, who must obey their bosses because they need the jobs that the rich people control. Such a situation influences where people can work, how to work and what they can buy. In general, income-inequality unfairly influences the situation of life. At the same time, medical recourses will be distributed unfairly, because all the medical recourses need to be paid for with money. When the situation become worse and worse, people may rush into dangerous situations. Because they have nothing to lose, they will steal form others in order to feed their families. Accordingly, the crime rate will raise. Moreover, the educational degree will not be in balance, and this will cause the gap between the riches and the poor to get wider and wider. In the end, inequality will challenge the rationality of whole system. 
       So, what can we do? First, we can launch some protests, let governments know what we want. At the same time, this is a new age, so you can join gros or parties and change the base of the system. Although the disparity between rich and poor is a stable situation for now, if we do not take action to correct the problems, we may lose the chance for changing it.

Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Wilson Lee's life.

My given name is Wilson Lee and currently, I am studying Psychology at Asia University. In looking back at the last 19 years, it seems like such a long time, but I realize that 19 years is really just like a drop of water in sea of time. Therefore, I will write a little about me and my history so far.

I grew up in Keelung in the north of Taiwan. Keelung is famous for its rain. In other words, it’s almost always raining in Keelung. Many people dislike this kind of weather and think it is troublesome. However, for me the rain is like a special gift from nature. For me, heavy rain helps to build strong character to overcome setbacks in life. Even when the sun isn’t shining, I still go outside and do what I have to do, like a lifetime fighter always fighting by reflecting on myself and working to be better than before.
Besides my parents I have a sister who is a junior in NTNU, studying Geography.  One of the most important things my parents taught me (from Adler’s school of Philosophy) has to do with the idea of separation. I don’t think it is necessary to live life by or under the expectations of other people or try to satisfy others. Instead, I think we should be ourselves within consideration for each other. So far, this is the way I try to coexisting with others and face a variety of challenges to work with the physical reality instead of only my imagination.  

When I was in high school, by means of hard studying as much as I could, I even went from (the rank of school’s score position) 111/234 to 25/239. The most honorable thing was that I was one of graduated students who received the Mayor’s Award of New Taipei City in our school. What’s more, I have also been the co-monitor of my classes three times. With this experience, I could learn how to be a leader in groups, how to communicate with people and how to manage sudden problems. I could also learn how to arrange my study and works efficiently as well as to care about all the details on whatever I did. When the college entrance exam was approaching, my teacher prompted me to serve as the monitor in our class because she thought I might have the character and ability to lead classmates to study hard. Not only due to my these nice behaviors but also popularity in our school, I was selected and awarded as A 2014 Young Elite Representative of Secondary Schools in New Taipei City by New Taipei City, and The Model Student two years continuously awarded by New Taipei City, and A 2014 Talented Learner of Secondary Schools in New Taipei City.

Other actives during the high school include enrolling in the Club of Hsi-Zhi Community Service. We went to the park and station to invite people to donate their blood, held used jumble sales, played the dramas of anti-drugs and anti-AIDS in front of my senior high schools, cared the Church, cleaned the mountain and so on.

Sometimes I try to speak to myself and ask myself what I desire for in my life? Why should I choose the pessimism? When I have the positive attitude or power, others can be those people who share their mind and feel happy due some senses of achievement and existence. So, I wish to be a qualified Clinical Psychologist in the future.

Overall, I consider myself to self-confident and self-motivated. In terms of leadership, I think it is important to set a good example by honestly saying what I know and what I don’t.  Being positive, humorous and creative also helps. 

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Income inequality and how to solve the problem.

This is a conversation which is talking about income inequality.

Introduction of Asia Museum of Modern Art

This is a introduction video.
I and Lin represent our school to introduce its museum.
Hope you will take interest in it after watching this video!!!

Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Lecture notes: World Hunger and my Responsibility as a Global Citizen

Hello everyone, my name is Wilson and today I'm going to talk about The World Hunger and my responsibility as a global citizen regarding this problem.

According to the Medical dictionary, world hunger refers to the second definition, aggregated to the world level. The related term is either malnutrition, or if malnutrition is taken to refer to both under nutrition  is taken to refer to both under nutrition and over nutrition as it increasingly is under nutrition. Both malnutrition and under nutrition refer to effects on people of not haring enough food.

Hunger is cause of instability within societies, In order to feed themselves and their families, people will fight each other, steal form one another, even kill their neighbors just to get some food to survive. In addition to destablizing regions, war is a main cause of mass migration and refugee crisis. A lock of food may cause people not having enough food, and not having enough food may cause disease. Thus, people will die and the disease may cross border to another countries. Therefor, one country's problem may suddenly become another country's problem as in the cause of hundreds of thousands of refugees going to Germany because they have no enough food and are running from war in Syria.

So, what is my responsibility as a global citizen? I think all I have to do is to put followings into practice. First of all, we can donate some food to food banks or other charities. Bust why don't we don't donate money to charities? Because we donate money to charities, the money may be taken away by some higher level people! Second, we can hold some jumble sales. To do this, we can raise some money, and the food can be donated to food bank. Third, we ask our university to gold some relevant activities, such as the 30 Hour Famine. To do this, we can let a lot of student know what is world hunger, and what is their responsibilities. The last is we have to prevent the land from being destroyed. What's more, we need to sort our garbage.Hence, if we have a fertile land, we can grow more food!

Although each person's power is very little, but if we work together, the power will be gathered. Therefore, we will be stronger! Ultimately, let's put those into practice, do our best, and we will solve the problem of world hunger. Let's work together, and stop the hunger now, before it was too late. Thank you for your listening.

Sunday, December 20, 2015

False Flag Terrorism

Hallow, I am Wilson. Today, I want to talk about False flag terrorism.

According to Google, the definition of False flag terrorism is covert operations conducted be government, corporations, or other organizations, which are designed to deceive the public in such a way that the operations appear as if they are being carried out be other entities. I think it is a evil way to control citizens. In mt opinion, the USA, or the countries which use the evil way, is coward! Why doesn't they use some proper ways to control their citizen?

What's more, governments use their power to change the education system; in order to shape every student to become a person who want to fight each other. I think, maybe great number of things are changing, such as the nightmare, 911 is't a terrorist attack any more...Oh, I'm sorry, because it does is a terrorist attack; however, the USA is the terrorist!!!